Scary thoughts

Dear editor:
Why are there not more people questioning the safety of the government’s new, overbudget, $133-million computer gun registry?
When a 21-year-old man can tap into NASA and other sophisticated computer systems, the possibility of hackers gaining access to a national firearms registry is a real and present danger.
Groups like the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters repeatedly have warned that a Canadian gun registry will become a valuable tool for criminals, especially those who wish to break into homes and businesses to steal firearms.
This registry scares law-abiding gun owners and it should scare non-gun owners even more.
Suppose the criminals have all the guns they need and are looking for other valuables such as jewellery, paintings, furs, and cash. The registry would determine which households they could enter without risk of confrontation with any firearm. Non-gun owners then become more of a target and victims of crime.
Every law-abiding citizen, should contact their MP and raise this concern about an extremely important public safety issue.
Eldon Hawton
Sudbury, Ont.