Round of Applause

Dear Editor,

With Daffodil Month now over, the Canadian Cancer Society would like to thank the many volunteers who helped make the month such a large success in our community. During the month of April, volunteers throughout the community banded together to sell bright yellow daffodils – the symbol of hope for those living with cancer – and to knock on their neighbours’ doors as part of the door-to-door campaign to raise funds in the fight against all types of cancer.
Thank you not only to our volunteers, but to those who so generously donated to the Canadian Cancer Society. All of the monies raised through the hard work of our volunteers and your generous donations will be instrumental in helping fund promising cancer research projects, provide reliable information on cancer, treatments and prevention, as well as offer support to people living with cancer right here at home.
Donations are welcome at any time so if one of our volunteers missed you, you can visit our website at or call toll free at 1-888-939-3333 to still make a donation. If you would like to volunteer on the local Cancer Society committee you can contact Linda at 274-8782.
Again a big thank you to each and every one of our volunteers who volunteer their time and to those whose generously provide monetary donations. Together, we are strong in the fight against all types of cancer.
Linda Hamilton
President – Local Cancer Society