Dear sir:
I write this letter after much consideration and reflection on the life, spirit, and talent of my former Muskie teammate, Brad Johnstone.
As you are in no doubt aware, Brad passed away suddenly through a tragic airplane accident in Alaska. He died doing something he loved and cherished. I didn’t know Brad of late, as I have lived on the west coast for some time, however, I still considered him a brother, friend, and teammate from our special 1985-86 all-Ontario squad.
Our search for the holy grail of Ontario high school hockey ended in jubilation in 1986, with Brad playing a key role in the leadership both on and off the ice. Many talented teams before us attempted, in vain, to win the elusive medal and without Brad’s efforts and abilities, I truly believe we would not have been successful.
We all contributed to a special season in 1985-86, and share a special bond for that simple reason.
There haven’t been many numbers retired over the history of the Muskies. The only one that comes to mind is goaltender, Brian Calder, who played in the early ’70s. But Brad displayed all that a minor hockey player should–leadership, focus, commitment to himself and the team, as well as fair play and sportsmanship.
I ask that, for the reasons mentioned above, all of which can all be attested to by his remaining teammates, that Brad’s number “21” be retired, permanently, and should be hung from the ceiling of Memorial Arena for all to share.
A player, teammate,
fan, and friend,
Sean M. Douglas (#30)