Dear editor:
Over the last few weeks, the Fort Frances Block Parent program has been updating our records. I have been contacting current Block Parents and sending out renewal applications.
I would like to remind everyone that once you have received your renewal form, it is very important to complete it and return it to the local OPP office as soon as possible.
To protect the use of the sign, the integrity of the program, and according to the bylaws of the Block Parent Program of Canada, we must re-screen all of our previously-approved applicants on a regular basis.
Your response to this procedure will ensure we can continue on with the program in the community.
As you complete your applications, please note anyone residing or working in your home, who is over the age of 12, must be included (with signature) on the form.
This information will, as before, remain confidential.
If, by oversight, you have not been contacted by May 15, or if you wish to become part of the program, please feel free to contact me at 274-9506.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of the “Block Parents” who have helped me make our community safer for all citizens, young and old. Without your efforts, our program would not be a success. Thank you,
Sandra Whalen
Chairperson, F.F.
Block Parent Assoc.