Dear sir:
Please accept this open letter to Bill Darby, Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, Fort Frances.
Several constituents have called my constituency office to express their unhappiness at a proposed cabin/cottage lot sale strategy. We have been told the Ministry of Natural Resources intends to place cabin/cottage lots on the South Arm of Rainy Lake for sale to the highest bidder.
Is this information correct?
I think all of us who live in Fort Frances understand there will be an overwhelming prejudice towards foreign purchasers at the expense of Ontario resident taxpayers.
We understand in the past, when the MNR has had cabin or cottage lots available to the public, a draw system has been used, and only Ontario resident taxpayers have been eligible.
Under that system, all Ontario residents and taxpayers would have equal opportunity to obtain a cabin/cottage lot regardless of their income level, and there was no prejudice in favour of American non-resident.
Is this true?
Please explain why MNR is now developing a cabin/cottage lot sales strategy which is so prejudicial to Ontario taxpayers.
Howard Hampton MPP
Kenora-Rainy River