Paying tribute

Dear sir:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the dedicated and caring foster parents we have in Rainy River District in conjunction with Canadian Foster Family Week (Oct. 15-19).
We currently have 28 foster families in Rainy River District.
Foster parents are a very important part of the team process we employ at Family and Children’s Services. They take on a large responsibility to care for children who cannot remain in their own houses, whether it be short-term or long-term.
They open their hearts and homes to children who require substitute care. Without their dedication, we would not be able to provide a nurturing home environment to the children who desperately need it.
Children’s Aid Societies across Ontario provided substitute care to 27,027 between April 1, 2000 and March 31, 2001. During Foster Family Week, Children’s Aid Societies across Ontario will be paying tribute to the many foster families in the province.
Foster parenting is a difficult but rewarding job that is too often not recognized. I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation on behalf of Family and Children’s Services to the foster parents in our district.
They deserve recognition for their dedication to the children of our district.
Shanna Weir,
Foster Care co-ordinator
Family & Children’s Services