More on the Sportsplex

Dear sSir:
Further to my letter concerning the state of the Fort Frances Sportsplex, I would like to comment on a few “over-sights” on my part.
1). The staff of the Sportsplex have always been pleasant and accommodating towards myself and others using the facility. I enjoyed talking with them on a daily basis, and consider them more than just “service providers” but rather as friends.
None of these comments are directed towards any individual but rather the sad state of “our” only sports facility.
2). Summer hours. I would like to know the justification for shutting down the entire complex on Saturdays, and only opening for three hours on Sundays. Can they really be saving that much money??
I have spoken to several members who are quite disconcerted about the weekend hours. These are people who use the gym year-round, are employed during the week, and would appreciate the use of the facility on Saturdays and during the day on Sundays.
3). If they are saving that much money by closing on Saturdays, perhaps some of these funds could go towards the acquisition of some new, up-dated equipment, or having lifeguards on duty at the Point Park so our children can enjoy “supervised access” to the beach.
4). I understand and agree with reduced rates for students and seniors but considering the state of the Sportsplex and the membership fees at other facilities, perhaps regular members could enjoy reduced rates as well. Where are our membership fees and tax dollars going anyway?
It seems to me that we, the regular yearly users, should get a break as well.
Further, I believe that we, the “full-fee-paying-members” should be consulted before equipment is purchased. After all, aren’t we the ones using the equipment? It shouldn’t be a problem considering we are there several times/week.
I know most of us would be happy, even excited, to be able to sit down and discuss the selection and purchasing of new equipment for “our” Sportsplex.
Thank you
Frank Fraser
935 Christie Ave.