I felt it was necessary to correct the misquote from the article, “Youth soccer wind-up a go,” in last Thursday’s Daily Bulletin.
I was quoted as saying “Hot dogs won’t be served due to short notice.” The only thing I did say is that pre-packaged snacks would be served.
Trust me, even without 19 years of catering experience, I could have prepared hot dogs with less than two days’ notice.
One of the reasons we switched to non-perishable snack foods was because I already had cancelled and rescheduled the bun order for Monday’s and then Wednesday’s wind-up.
Safeway graciously accepted those cancellations but I didn’t want to have to do it again Saturday if we were rained out. Serving non-perishable snacks solved that.
And I personally felt that considering the severe and unstable weather the entire district and residents were enduring, and the hardships that resulted, priority should be given to helping to deal with the aftermath of the storm rather than planning and re-planning for a soccer wind-up.
But thanks to the devotion of the volunteer FFYS board of directors and a break in the weather, the wind-up took place successfully (even without hot dogs).
Kathy Cuthbertson