Misguided solution

Dear editor:
I’ve read Allan Kielczewski’s letter with indifference to the rhetoric. As a subscriber to the Globe and Mail, I have become slightly better acquainted with the general non-native public’s concern over aboriginal issues.
The problem with any non-native solution is that it won’t fit, however well-meaning or educated the “Indian Saviour” is. The solution must, at least, be in consultation with those we appoint to do so.
I am constantly dismayed at Bob Nault’s insolence to First Nation leadership as he belittles them and insults their integrity.
I live off-reserve for education purposes, but I believe my interests are still best met by those I elected (yes, I voted in Couchiching’s February election). I never met, or care to be “represented” by, the non-elected leadership of off-reserve interest groups, especially not the Native Women’s Association of Canada.
It is interesting that Mr. Nault chooses to support those undemocratic institutions over the Assembly of First Nations.
There is a great volume of “solutions” found in the Royal Commission of Aboriginal Peoples’ reports—consultations already paid for by Canada and the aboriginal populations of Canada.
Allan Kielczewski and his like are the minority in Canada. The vocal minority should not rule Mr. Nault’s agenda regarding aboriginal legal rights.
Sara Mainville
Kingston, Ont.