Late-night racket

Dear editor:
Good day, I am writing this to you at 3 a.m. on Friday morning after being awaken ever so gently (being sarcastic) for the fifth time in a row, and countless other nights, as well, thanks to our wonderfully considerate truck drivers (wood haul to be exact).
These guys have to know how loud they are. Come on!
Most do quite good, sneaking by without a peep. But there is just one who seems to think since he is up, we all should be.
Don’t get me wrong, I know it takes time to warm these machines up and get ready to go and what not. But when you have come in from Devlin or further, come on, it’s got be warmed up!
I’m not the only one with this complaint.
I live on Scott Street, so this is a daily thing—ridiculous. We work, have families, little kids who are awakened every day by this the sound of a freight train, windows shaking, you can feel every bump.
Tell me, how can two trucks go by and you can see them, but not a sound. Then another truck comes and you can hear him from five-six blocks away . . . roaring and rumbling, obviously not doing the speed limit.
The police have been contacted on this matter and say it’s not up to them. The ministry says it’s not them, either. Then who?
I know we are not the only ones who are annoyed by these inconsiderate drivers (the one or two, like I said), but where do we go? We need our sleep!
Brian Wesley
Fort Frances, Ont.