Keep them separated

To the Editor:
Correct me if I am wrong, is there not a bylaw in this town that prohibits riding bikes on walkways? If that is the case, then every person that does so is breaking the law.
What is the point of spending time and money to put in a “bike path” if we are going to allow cyclists to use the walkway whenever they “prefer to use the walking path.” There is a reason that people are not willing to share the walking path, because it is a walking path. If council even has a thought of entertaining this idea of a “Ghost centre,” then have fun when you are walking down the walkway and some person on a bike comes up behind you and almost runs you over.
If people are walking on the “bike path” then they do so at their own risk. Why would the bike path be more “polluted” than the walking path?
If the person who wants the “Ghost centre,” thinks that his idea is something that would attract tourists, certainly does not understand what attracts the ordinary tourist.
Council, leave it as it is. You have more pressing things to deal with.
Gordon Sisco
Fort Frances, Ont.