Incredible opportunity

Andrew George

Dear Mike:
When I first started organizing a public forum on Pither’s Point/Agency #1, I knew I was initiating something people felt uncomfortable talking about. I faced a little bit of “non-encouraging” dialogue and cold shoulders from organizations—and even law enforcement.
But what I witnessed at the forum was something I believe hasn’t occurred throughout the land negotiations.
People from the communities involved in the dispute sat down and were willing to learn, listen, and share ideas on how the situation could be resolved.
Many of these people did not know each other; they came from different communities and different backgrounds. Yet they joined together and discussed a common goal, ensuring that the land will continue to be a gathering place after May 1.
I feel safe to say that, while it was a start in dialogue with citizens, the letter from the mayor to town residents was difficult to comprehend and only opened the door for more unanswered questions. And while the chiefs did hold a public forum for their people back in February, the people of the communities still would like to talk and get a clear indication of direction in the matter.
I strongly believe more communication from our leaders is necessary to ensure the gaps between our communities do not widen.
I have my own views on the situation, but I’m only one person and this is a community issue. I invite anyone who is concerned about the expiry of the lease of Pither’s Point Park, and what the future may hold for the land, to write your elected officials and a letter to the editor.
Our voices will put pressure on our leaders to address our concerns and explain the situation.
We have an incredible opportunity to create a peaceful and unique agreement between municipality and First Nations, and to be a positive example for the rest of Canada. But we need to involve the public’s input in the process in order to make it happen.
Thank you to everyone who attended last Wednesday’s forum and supported the idea either by phone or e-mail.
Andrew George
Fort Frances, Ont.