
Dear editor:
I am very disappointed with our current town council regarding its decision to hold a byelection to fill the vacant seat.
They claim that the results with regard to Ken Perry, the seventh-place finisher in last November’s election, may not be accurate because not all ballots had six candidates selected.
This is hypocritical of them since these are the same ballots with which they themselves were appointed to office.
Mr. Krukoski made several excellent points last week in his letter to the editor, including town hall handling the mail-in ballots, the precedent previously set with regard to filling town council vacancies, and Mr. Avis not following through with the “Mayor’s Desk” articles he promised to submit to our newspaper.
Last year, I approached the town asking for crossing guards for our elementary school children who have to cross the highway to attend school. They considered the $45,000 cost in the 2007 budget process, but because no children have been injured or killed, they decided they aren’t necessary.
They are, however, willing to spend $20,000 on an unnecessary byelection because it serves their own best interests, but does it serve ours?
Leslie Danielson
650 Thompson St.
Fort Frances, Ont.