Dear editor:
Hi, this is Rapid Robert again. You know, the old guy with the plaid tam. Unfortunately, this is a little different type of story than what you usually hear from me.
Last evening (Aug. 1), as I drove my white GMC truck on the First Nations reserve at 60 km/h, which is the speed limit, I was pulled over by a police officer with his vehicle lights flashing, etc.
The officer, who was very friendly and respectful, came up to my door and said, “I’ll bet you wonder why I’ve stopped you.”
I said that I was surprised as I was observing the law all ways.
Well, the officer said, “About three weeks or a month ago, someone reported to us that you were driving this white truck Fort Frances way all over the road in a drunk fashion [i.e. intoxicated at the wheel].”
The officer said that they had not contacted me until now (probably the police were busy and waited until last night).
The officer looked at me, square in the eye, and asked if that was true. And if it was, we’d sooner get the problem cleared up before I do cause an accident and kill someone while drunk.
I looked at the officer and said, “Sir, I’m 82 years old and have never, never had an alcoholic beverage of any kind, and I never will.” I believe I told the officer that I was in the Second World War, had served overseas, and still I have never had the first sip of alcohol.
Anyone who knows me knows this to be true.
The officer looked at me and said, “I believe you.”
Now the point of writing this letter is to ask the person who made the mistake of accusing me to come to me, or write to me, and clear it up.
I am not angry, but hurt, because several other people probably got the wrong word from this person. One of the last actions I would condone would be to drink and drive. In fact, I’m a strong supporter of M.A.D.D. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).
To finish this letter, I’d like to let people know that I’m not against sociable, responsible drinking. That was my choice, as a child, to never touch alcohol.
Why, I don’t know or can’t tell you. I’ve asked my church minister for the answer, who said, “The Lord must have seen fit to embed that in you.”
Bob Cottam
Emo, Ont.