Dear editor:
I want to give a huge heartfilled thank you to Dave Egan and the rest of the “Ice for Kids” committee. It has been a long uphill struggle all the way but you’ve done it! Our community now has a facility being built that we can all be proud of.
I have been one of the silent members of our community who, with interest, has sat back, listened, and read various news articles and letters to the editor in regards to this project. Looking back through the years, I believe it is now time to tip our hats and say thank you to Mr. Egan and the “Ice for Kids” committee.
If it wasn’t for their vision, determination, perseverance, and patience, we would not have a second ice surface being built for our children to enjoy for many years to come.
There is no question or doubt there is a great need for two ice surfaces in Fort Frances. You only have to look to our surrounding Northwestern Ontario neighbours to know that this surface is long overdue.
Parents know all too well the miles travelled between Emo and Rainy River just to get ice time.
“Ice for Kids” . . . what a great name for our new ice surface. Those three words have become symbolic to our community.
I believe many people in Fort Frances will agree that having the name “Ice for Kids” on this facility will not only strike up pride within ourselves but it also will ensure our children will always remember “Ice for Kids” and the tremendous effort given for this cause.
Sincerely yours,
Robin Stearns