Growing need

Dear editor:
The Northern Cancer Fund raises funds that are 100 percent dedicated to supporting excellence in cancer care throughout Northwestern Ontario.
Your gifts—past, present, and future—helps ensure our regional cancer programs continue to offer timely, quality care with the latest cutting-edge equipment and treatment options for your friends and family.
A cancer diagnosis can be a terrifying experience. But thanks to our generous donations, more people in Northwestern Ontario are living with cancer than dying from it.
A great example of quality care for cancer patients receiving treatment in Thunder Bay is through your donation to the Northern Cancer Research Foundation (NCRF) and now the Northern Cancer Fund.
You have helped thousands of cancer patients in Thunder Bay and across Northwestern Ontario get the closer-to-home care they need. This includes the Linda Buchan Centre for Breast Screening and Assessment, the TBayTel Tamarack House (a welcome home away from home atmosphere), and smoking cessation programs for patients.
We also have provided assistance to programs in your community hospitals.
A report on the stays at the just gorgeous Tamarack House (located next door to the cancer care unit at the Thunder Bay Health Regional Sciences Centre) showed a one-year increase of roughly 15 percent from 2006/07 to 2007/08—and growing at a fast rate.
The Health Sciences Foundation in Thunder Bay has expanded to Northern Cardiac Fund, for local cardiac services, and Health Sciences Discovery Fund, supporting innovation, world-class research, all here in Northwestern Ontario, creating many, many, exciting job opportunities.
Soon to be installed for patient care is a PET/CT imaging unit/program, which is molecular imaging and the best advanced diagnostic technology in the world.
In closing:
You can bring hope to the lives of cancer patients in Northwestern Ontario.
We are proud to say 100 percent of your donation to the Northern Cancer Fund (Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation) stays in Northwestern Ontario.
Please give what you can today: “Together we are making hope possible.”
Anthony Kadikoff
Fort Frances, Ont.