I would like to use your letters column to publicly thank everyone who has expressed their love and concern for my son, Lantana Wind Dancer, whose story was told in last week’s Fort Frances Times (“Toddler survives dog attack”).
I’d thank all in person but there are so many family, friends, and relatives near and far, your staff, the medical staff, and all the teachers associated with my children. You’ve been there for us all.
That horrendous attack also had a traumatic affect on other young innocents who bear witness to that day. If not for supervision, it would have been too late for Lantana. No one would have known then if any of the little kids were attacked and dragged in.
On that note, I’d like to express my undying love, devotion, respect, and gratitude to my daughters, Tai (10) and Wynter (14). Tai, if not for you, it would have been too late. You were quick to alert, respond, and assist your little bro. Wynter, had it not been for you, Lantana would surely have been dragged into a death house. You hung onto Wind Dancer and let your fear go.
Also Laurie, it could’ve been much worse without your efforts. The Great Spirit sustained us all.
Again, to everyone, Kitchi Meegwetch!!
From my daughters, Espirit (Sweetie), Feather, Tai, Wynter, Falcon, and Tabetha, and my sons, Lantana and Larry.
Jackie Linklater