Grab a hammer

Jason McQuaker

Dear editor,
I am writing this letter in response to John Rafferty’s column last week.
I do not normally, if ever, read his column but a friend pointed it out to me knowing my love of tax dollars and how they are spent.
I find it ironic that John titled his piece with the words rant and hypocrisy in it. This would turn out to be what his column reeked of.
Now in John’s defence, the anti-Conservative slant he writes with does come with some warranted frustration. After his party reached their Quebec-backed all-time high, they still found themselves well short of the Conservatives’ clear and decisive majority government. So it’s only understandable that he still would be seething from the defeat.
The problem of John’s column is easily broken down. At last check, the Sun Media Corp. is a private-sector, non-taxpayer funded company while his beloved CBC is a government-run, highly taxpayer-funded conglomeration.
As for the numbers, John stated: “it’s only $33 per Canadian”—a very small number, right? Wrong! That math adds up to $1.2 billion, give or take.
Now you don’t have to be some numbers genius to know who pays the biggest share of taxpayer-funded programs in this country but then again, factual numbers are a definite no-no with his crowd. Bottom line here, folks, is that the CBC costs taxpayers a heck of a lot more than $33 a year, and needs to be completely overhauled in a way that the payers have the say where their hard-earned money is spent.
As the private-sector tightens up the belt another notch to stay afloat, all wasteful, unnecessary government spending has to be looked at, as well.
So grab a hammer and let the dismantling begin.
Jason McQuaker
Emo, Ont.
Editor’s note: Mr. Rafferty’s column is submitted each week without a headline.
I was the one who headlined it “Anti-CBC rant new level of hypocrisy,” based on the content of the column.