God’s love

Dear editor:
Love—everyone needs it, young or old; so it’s reassuring to know that “God loves everyone.”
But where does that notion come from? The seniors at Rainycrest know—and they sing about it often.
On a regular Thursday morning, about 60 residents and a handful of visitors enjoy a hymn sing-along. A favourite opening song is the well-known “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”
For many of our seniors, the old familiar hymns “ring a bell.” They learned them as youngsters or somewhere along the way, and they find comfort in the timeless truths they contain—based on God’s Word.
This little song goes on to tell, in simple terms, of the greatest event in history: “Jesus loves me, He who died Heaven’s gates to open wide.”
That event, though it took place about 2,000 years ago, is still indicated on our calendar and mine as Good Friday.
The song then zeros in on a solution we all need: “He will wash away my sin, Let his little child come in.”
That’s good news: forgiveness—available for the asking!
Whether we’re a senior, a youngster, or in between, we would do well to ponder the profound truths in this simple song. For, although God hates sin, He sent his sinless Son, Jesus, to pay the supreme sacrifice in our place—for all our mess-ups.
That’s love, big time—for everyone . . . “for the Bible tells me so.”
So as we commemorate these events that show up on our calendars as Good Friday and Easter/Resurrection Sunday, we can do so in two ways: superficially, by merely giving mental assent to historical events, or personally, in grateful and humble acceptance of God’s amazing love for us.
Our choice.
And as for that little song “Jesus Loves Me,” let’s keep teaching it to the next generation, and the next. Likely they’ll be eternally glad we did.
Thank you, sir, for this space in your paper.
Marina Gerber
Emo, Ont.