Dear Mr. Editor,
Re: “Everyone appreciates people like ‘Bud’” by Harry Vandetti.
I think Mr. Vandetti should have verified his “story” from Byrtle Kovachenko before going to press.
Nelson Brown and many others are good neigbours of ours. Nelson did lose animals—two small pigs and a donkey. They managed to get the horses out to the neighbours, and got a small calf in Roy Jolicouer’s boat (who, by the way, rescued many by boat in the very early-morning hours).
Nelson’s also cattle were a big worry but they did stay alive.
By some small miracle, he had two big pigs that survived the frigid water by standing on their hind legs to stay alive. He also lost his chickens and a couple of turkeys.
Lawrence Brown lost all his pulp wood—tree length and eight-foot—but most was recovered with help from fence lines and ditches.
Nelson and Lawrence Brown, and a long list of others, lost a lot during the flood and they shouldn’t have to deal with all the local gossip during this time.
Please double check next time. Nelson has a phone and so does everyone else.
Very disgusted,
Doreen Kutschall
P.S. I know because we were there, being we were up at 3:30 a.m. on June 11 to go and help my mother-in-law and Lawrence Brown. Nelson lives just a mile to the north of us and Lawrence a bit east of Nelson’s.