Dear editor:
Re: The assertion that I owe taxes to Reef Point Road.
I am not on your road. For a few glorious days each summer, I occupy a roadless peninsula—a virtual island in the once gin-clear waters of Rainy Lake.
I pay $450 a season to a proper Canadian chap for the privilege of launching my boat from his marina off Highway 11.
I drove your road once when you began to tax me for its winter upkeep. There are no turn-outs, no scenic overlooks, no bikeway, no parking. It is basically a private road which terminates several miles from my property.
Currently, I spend some $5,000 a year in and around Fort Frances. Recently, I received a 50 percent tax increase though my camp is primitive and water quality in the lake this year was catastrophic (about .5 meter transparency).
Without complaint, I pay many taxes to Canada for which I, a U.S. citizen, can expect no direct return. Unfortunately, one cannot subsidize every project for which a portion of the public clamours.
I hear winter residents (again, I am excluded) on Reef Point Road like to have it well-plowed. Good for them. But I’m not paying for it unless they pay my marina fees. I think that’s fair.
I think what you’re trying to do to me is not fair. I think it’s harassment, particularly your refusal to provide me a map of their jurisdiction or written declaration of such powers as you claim, including a lucid discussion of how you came to acquire an island in your road empire.
Thank you,
William Boudreau
Minneapolis, Mn.