Dear sir:
I am a local trucker from the west end of the district, and after reading the Crime Stoppers report in your March 25 issue, I was totally disgusted.
I don’t think offering a reward to someone to turn in an individual who’s paying taxes (fuel, licences), and trying to make a living and support his family, is necessary.
Why are we labelled criminals before we commit a crime?
I don’t know of any local trucker, if you take into consideration the hours we work and the miles we drive, that would intentionally operate an unsafe rig.
I also notice that when I read the court report in your paper, that the penalties for traffic violations, drinking violations, thefts, drug and violence abuse have showed very little increase, if any.
Yet fines related to commercial vehicles have increased as much as 200 percent in the last year.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know which one of the above creates the most jobs and legitimate revenue.
Robin McQuaker
Stratton, Ont.