Desperate need

Dear editor:
With the fun and excitement of the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship coming to an end, it’s time to bring our focus back to the reality of the despite need in our community and district.
We, along with our Salvation Army staff and volunteers, are putting out a call to the community of Fort Frances and Rainy River District for your support to help fill the food bank shelves.
During the summer months, food donations are scarce. People are enjoying their summer holidays and forget about the ongoing need of the less fortunate in our community and district.
This summer has been especially difficult. With the struggling economy, the food bank has seen many new clients who have been unable to find work.
The increased stress on the food bank has not been matched by donations due to shortfall of the recent Red Shield Campaign 2009 that only garnered 25 percent of the goal of $15,000 for the district.
The food bank is very low on particular items such as cereal, peanut butter, jam, canned meat, canned fruit, coffee, and pasta sauce.
Some of these items have had to be purchased to make up for the shortfall because we hate to give out half empty hampers to these struggling families.
Please remember the less fortune this summer and give generously to the Salvation Army.
Send your monetary or food contribution that will help the needy today or visit us at 316 Victoria Ave. here in Fort Frances (274-3871).
Together, we can change our community and district one life at a time.
Capts. Angel and
Marlene Sandoval
Fort Frances
Salvation Army