John M. Rafferty
Dear editor,
CNIB strongly urges Greyhound Canada to reconsider cuts to routes in Manitoba, Northern Ontario and rural areas of Alberta and other provinces.
Many Canadians who are blind or partially sighted rely on bus transportation within provinces and across the country.
Those living in northern and rural communities require Greyhound to transport them to major centres in order to access CNIB services, go to doctors’ appointments, attend work or post-secondary training and visit with friends and families.
Driving is not an option and flying is often too expensive.
More than 830,000 Canadians live with significant vision loss. Nearly half report gross annual incomes of $20,000 or less.
In order to participate independently in their communities, Canadians living with vision loss depend on cost-efficient, regular transportation.
We encourage governments and the Transportation Ministry to work with Greyhound to resolve this issue in a timely fashion.
John M. Rafferty
President, CNIB