Dear sir:
With high school graduation only hours away, the “Chem-Free” Grad Committee would like to congratulate the students on the milestone they have reached in their lives.
The committee also would like to congratulate and thank the many volunteers and sponsors who stepped forward to ensure this year’s graduates, and their classmates, would be able to celebrate together in a safe and sober fashion at the “chem-free” grad party.
This “safe and sober” event will take place from 10:30 p.m. until 4 a.m. Well over 125 partygoers will be able to enjoy food, music, video-games, and mock gambling. The highlight of the evening, no doubt, will be the series of activities centered around large inflatable interactive games.
After the popularity of the games at last year’s “chem-free” party, this year’s committee moved quickly to ensure they would be back.
Many local businesses and their suppliers graciously have offered such things as cash donations, equipment, and supplies to make sure the evening will be an overwhelming success,
Each student in attendance will have the opportunity to qualify for a wide variety of valuable prizes throughout the night. Commemorative T-shirts once again will be a keepsake that early registrants will be taking home with them.
In order to ensure the evening is a safe and memorable one, extra security measures are being taken. Grads and their classmates each will be given an identification wrist band. A “no-backpack” policy also will be in place, and each person will be requested to leave personal possessions at the door.
The party is a “closed” event, therefore, no at-the-door tickets will be sold. As well, people entering or departing the Memorial Sports Centre will be closely monitored. Anyone leaving without a chaperone or who does not have a legitimate reason to leave, before 4 a.m., will not be re-admitted.
So that the party continues to be a safe event right up to the end, the committee is asking participants arrange for a ride home at 4 a.m.
The “Chem-Free” Grad Committee knows it takes many, many people to bring this event together each year. If this year’s get-together prevents just one tragic accident, all the effort and expense will have been worthwhile.
Congratulations graduates and have a great time at “chem-free” grad. See you there!
Mark Kowalchuk
Grad Committee