Choice is ours

Dear editor:
Bullying! Defamation of character! Slander!
Where did the members of ISIS get their start to become terrorists?
When those in leadership roles get bitten by the “power bug,” terrible things begin to happen. When they discover others, supposedly “beneath” them, have gifts to offer, too, fear sets in . . . and the abuse begins.
This happens everywhere—corporate offices, schools, medical facilities, and, worst of all, in churches . . . the one place we like to think is exempt from this kind of behaviour.
The victim stands alone unless some brave souls decide to face the abusers with him/her.
Power that cares is love; power that controls is abuse. The choice is ours.
May we be courageous and convinced enough to choose justice and love; to defend our brothers/sisters in this time of hate and false judgment.
Jacklynne Faragher-Guimond
Fort Frances, Ont.