Change the route

Dear sir:
Here we go again—it’s the July 1 parade route. The Chamber of Commerce is starting the parade at the Shevlin wood yard and following Front Street to the Fort Frances Clinic parking lot.
What’s wrong with this picture?
The parade always started either at the old CN station or the arena for the last 80 years, if not more.
We at the Canadian Legion have led them all with our colours, and we are joined by the Emo and Rainy River Legions, as well as by the V.F.W. and American Legion with their flags.
Just where do the wheelchairs and the handivan park? There is just no room along Front Street.
Let’s stick with Scott Street.
Thank you for this space, and hoping other people agree.
Betty Sivonen
on behalf of the
Colour Party of
Legion Br. #29