Biblical truth

Dear editor:
Last week we had the privilege of attending a presentation by Dr. Eva Olsson at the Townshend Theatre.
Eva was born on Oct. 28, 1924 in Szatmar, Hungary. On May 15, 1944, she and her family were taken away in box cars to Auschwitz.
In her presentation, she shared with us many disturbing photos and first-hand stories about the atrocities that took place at the Auschwitz death camp. The focus of her message was bullying and the importance of not being a bystander to injustice.
In her talk, Eva stressed the need to suppress hatred at all costs so as to prevent the forces of racism, bigotry, and intolerance from taking root like it did in Germany during World War II. It is hard to imagine the immense hatred that must have been prevalent at Auschwitz to instigate such horrific and unspeakable crimes against humanity.
So what caused this hatred?
Social Darwinism gave racism a scientific rationale for the Nazis. Hatred was born from this philosophy adopted by Hitler and his government, which justified in their minds the extermination of six million Jews and four million other people who belonged to what German scientists judged as inferior races.
Though it permeates virtually every aspect of our own culture, there is, ironically, no empirical evidence for Darwinian evolution. The transitional forms that Darwin assumed would be found in the fossil record do not exist.
What is found in the fossil record, in fact, is everything appearing fully-formed after its own kind, with no evidence of transitions. The evidence fits much better with Biblical creation.
If contrary to the evidence we believe in Darwinian evolution, we must conclude then that we are all blind and arbitrary products of time, chance, and natural forces. We exist on a tiny planet in a minute solar system in an obscure galaxy in a remote and empty corner of a vast, cold, and meaningless universe.
We are born without reason or significance, we came from nothing, are going nowhere, have no purpose or meaning, and when we die, we go into oblivion.
If, however, the evidence points to a Biblical creation, then we are the creation of a good and all powerful God. We are created in his image with a capacity to think, feel, and worship, which sets us apart from all other life forms.
Our Creator loved us so much and so intensely that despite our rebellion, He gave the life of His only Son that we might spend eternity with him.
If we repent and accept the gift of salvation, we become children of God filled with meaning and purpose for all eternity.
Either the world was created or it created itself. We all need to weigh in the evidence and come to a conclusion.
Both these world view philosophies require faith. However, due to the discoveries of irreducible complexity in many biological systems, many reputable scientists are now in agreement that it requires more faith to believe that it all happened by random chance rather than by intelligent design.
Regardless of what we believe, we all can say with certainty that the Holocaust would never had happened if Hitler and his government believed the Biblical truth—that human life is sacred, that God created all men in his image, and that we are to treat one another with love and respect regardless of ethnicity and social standing.
Ed Dykstra
Emo, Ont.