Dear editor:
Having been a subscriber for many years, my wife and I have enjoyed your fine newspaper, bringing back memories of our lives both in business and family living.
Fort Frances is still our home town in our hearts, enjoying our visits there from time to time. Norma and I were born in and near the town, bringing up our five children, all of us closely involved in the school system and community affairs.
We are looking forward to the 50th anniversary in June of the Canadians hockey team winning the Allan Cup. Unfortunately, we will be unable to be there but we will be there in spirit!
At least the zamboni had my name on it, with CCM advertising a great product still widely in use today.
At the final game for the Cup in 1952, I was sitting at the north end of the rink a few rows up directly behind the goal with Harold Elliot, the CCM sales rep from Winnipeg, when a puck came flying up, striking him on the nose!
Fortunately, only a bloody nose resulted as the puck had struck flatways (no slapshot in those days). Harold kept the puck!!
Dunn Sampson was one of 13 of us, along with myself, who passed the medical out of our local artillery battery commanded by J.R. Townshend, our high school principal.
We had volunteered to go on active service on Feb. 6, 1940 as reinforcements for the First Division already in England in Dec. ’39. We all went to different units but we all returned after the war so 13 was a lucky number.
Give our regards and best wishes at the anniversary party!
Don and Norma Law
P.S. The May 8 Times issue just arrived!