Be ‘Christ’-like

Dear editor:
While I do not support same sex unions/marriage, I support Knox United Church for opening its doors to all those who wish to hear the good news of Christ.
Having said that, I say to the pastor of Knox United to counsel those who choose to stray away from what the Church represents. Christianity, simply put, is being “Christ”-like, living a life that is pleasing to God.
For those who choose to believe in the Christian faith, we use Jesus as an example of how to live our lives, and must be an example to those who yet remain lost so that they can see what we have and want it for themselves.
Condemning a person to an eternity in Hell is not what we, as Christians, are called to do but we are commanded to reach the lost. The lost will know we are Christians by our love—our love for God and all his people.
A preacher pounding his fist on the pulpit and saying “Repent or else” is no more effective then throwing Scripture in the face of a non-believer.
I would encourage any non-believers to find a church in your area that demonstrates the true meaning of Christianity and find out for yourself what a Christian is before passing it off as fiction.
And a word to all you Christians. No, I am not perfect myself for we are all sinners and have fallen short of the Glory. But examine your own hearts and minds and ask yourselves are we living a “Christ”-like life or is Sunday morning the only time we act like a Christian.
Love and God Bless,
Nathan I. Hands
Fort Frances, Ont.