Be careful

Al McTaggart

Mr. Editor:
Well, with the Christmas break, etc., we have had no government for about a month now.
Mr. Harper has decided to extend this break a bit longer now so he can regroup and give the country a chance to enjoy the upcoming Winter Olympics.
Enjoy the Olympics? Mr. Harper flatters himself. If the choice for my evening entertainment is between watching some of Canada’s finest athletes compete against the rest of the world or watching a bunch of childish, self-centered, rude, interrupting people during Question Period in the House of Commons, trying to get their 15 minutes of glory on television bickering over some non-issue . . . well, I hate to burst Mr. Harper’s bubble but I think I would watch the Olympics.
As far as regrouping, I would like to think the prime minister should be a man who can think on his feet. Mr. Harper should thank his lucky star he never met Pierre Trudeau in the House (he would have eaten him for breakfast).
Now, has anyone noticed any change in their life since their absence? Of course not. The federal government does not run the country. It is run by bureaucrats and the world of commerce—always has and always will.
It is your municipal and provincial governments that look after the day-to-day things that affect our way of life. Snow still gets plowed, garbage gets picked up, fires are fought, and police protect us.
Think about it. When was the last time the federal government did something that profoundly affected your way of life? I can only think of a few in my almost 50 years of living.
Yet here we are, involved in an armed conflict in Afghanistan and the economy (although making some recovery) is still pretty much in turmoil, and our government decides to take an extended recess.
I guess when the going gets tough, the weak go home.
I compare this to the board of directors and CEO of some major corporation disappearing and the company seems to keep running just fine. I would think this would make the stockholders question what they even pay them for.
Be careful, all you MPs. The people may ask the same question of you.
Al McTaggart
Fort Frances, Ont.