Dear editor:
Again I would like to express my opinion and ask other frustrated taxpayers to do likewise.
In my opinion, a front page article in a recent edition of the Daily Bulletin, clearly places and expresses, in campaign style, the name of the star candidate the town hall prefers over Mr. Perry.
Never mind past practice or tradition to fill council vacancies by succession. Council is willing to spend thousands of tax dollars to open the way for their preferred candidate at our expense.
Who on this council gives a damn about the taxpayer-paid election last November and the results of that vote? Council will, in my opinion, do what they damn well please, no matter how Fort Frances taxpayers feel.
If a byelection is forced down our throats, we should demand the election and all balloting be removed from the town hall to an independent organization, like Dunwoody, and re-vote on our entire council.
I was beginning to think the bad odour over Fort Frances came from major industry, but now I tend to think it’s coming from city hall.
In closing, members of council, forget your costly dog and pony show and simply appoint your chosen candidate. This will let us spend our time in this community addressing the real issue—you.
My apologies to Coun. Wiedenhoeft. I do not mean to paint you with the same brush.
Thank you,
Bill Krukoski
Fort Frances, Ont.
Editor’s note: The headline in the article in question listed the candidates in alphabetical order so as to avoid any perception of favouritism.