
Donna Heyens

Dear editor:
I am writing this letter in regards to the picture splashed all over the front page of the Feb. 3 issue of the Times of the horrendous accident scene that took the life of Aaron Hyatt.
I am appalled at the Times for printing this, not only for the whole Rainy River District to see, but for all of Aaron’s loved ones, including his three young sons.
It wasn’t bad enough that it was printed on the front page of the Bulletin the very morning after the accident, which I’ll have you know some of Aaron’s own family still were not even aware of his untimely death.
Do you think his family actually took his boys to the accident scene? No, that never happened, but those three little guys now get to see it anyway on the front page of the Times.
Another thing. If you thought it was so necessary to print this awful picture, why is it your photographer even had to capture Aaron’s personal belongings in the picture?
The cutline said debris remained strewn at the site, not that you placed it there for the effect of the picture. I know for a fact this was staged for the picture as his gloves and helmet did not end up in a pile beside his sled.
Do you not think this accident was devastating enough on this family that they have to see it in their local paper, as well?
You should be ashamed, and I believe a public apology to the family is necessary.
Donna Heyens
Stratton, Ont.
Editor’s note: The allegation that the Times “staged” this picture, or placed any debris for effect, is utterly and unequivocally false.
The scene was exactly as our photographer found it that morning.