Emo Fair a great tradition

There’s an old saying in Rainy River District that if it rains in August, it must be Emo Fair week.
But while Mother Nature has not always smiled on the 105-year-old event, residents from right across the district certainly look forward to it every year. And rightly so. The Rainy River Valley Agricultural Society lines up a great schedule of events that offers something for all ages.
The fair formally kicks off tomorrow, with the highlight being the crowning of the fair queen. This year sees Kayla Lauzon, Ashley Nordin, Ashley Richardson, and Sierra Woolsey vying to succeed Trisha Wilson.
Other popular stalwarts at the fair include the loggers’ competition, parade, mini-king and queen pageant, midway, 4-H market steer auction, Exhibition Hall, and the stock car races.
A few new events are planned this year, including a tractor pull/balance and vintage stock car racing.
What’s most impressive about the Emo Fair, however, is its continual draw to generations of district residents over its storied history. Today, youngsters involved with various 4-H clubs still eagerly anticipate the third weekend in August, whether they’re showing an animal or setting up a display.
There’s people like Inge Szeder of Emo, who has been entering her crafts in the Exhibition Hall for more than four decades. And stock car drivers who know a victory during the fair is the highlight of the season.
The Emo Fair truly is a great district tradition. Thanks to all the fair board volunteers who stage it year after year, and good luck to all those who are competing there this weekend.
And let’s hope Mother Nature co-operates.