It’s been said many times before, but deserves repeating: high school graduation is a time of great celebration—and anxiety.
There’s exhilaration over accomplishing a goal; to grab that well-earned diploma and yell, ‘Look out world, here I come!’ Then there’s the thrill of going off to college or university, of being on your own. Of taking that first big step to adulthood.
But there’s trepidation, too, over what the future may hold after leaving the friendly confines of high school. Will I succeed at college or university? Can I afford post-secondary education? Will I be able to find a job in the summer, or after graduation, in my field? Can I survive four months without mom’s cooking?
No doubt these will be some of the emotions running through the minds of Fort Frances High School graduates tonight as they accept their Grade 12 or OAC diplomas at the Memorial Sports Centre. They are all perfectly natural.
Yet while all the challenges and responsibilities that lie down the road are very real, tonight is a night to celebrate. To be with old friends. To reminisce, or perhaps reflect on lessons learned. And to bask in the glow of proud parents.
It’s your turn in the spotlight. Enjoy it. But please do so responsibly—and safely. Fortunately, volunteers once again have worked hard to stage a “chem-free” party for the graduates to enjoy. As co-organizer Mark Kowalchuk writes, “If this year’s get-together prevents just one tragic accident, all the effort and expense will have been worthwhile.”
For those of you who will be celebrating elsewhere, play it smart. The rest of your life is before you—don’t let a stupid decision made in a split-second ruin it.