It’s that time of the year again, time to start practising safe heating! Give equipment such as furnaces, radiant heaters, space heaters and hot water tanks space. Removed trash and material stored near heating equipment. Keep combustible at least 3 feet away from heating equipment at all times. If you have a fireplace, use a fireplace screen to prevent spark or burning wood from escaping. Have chimneys, woodstoves and central heating systems cleaned at least once a year, and have them cleaned if necessary.
Tapwater scald burns, which most often occur in the bathroom, are associated with more deaths and injuries than those caused by any other hot liquid. Therefore, if the water temperature of your hot water tank if 130F (54C) or more — turn the temperature down to 120F (49C) so to prevent scald burns.
Smoke Alarms
- properly install and maintain working smoke alarms on every level of your home or cottage.
- Outside the sleeping areas and inside the bedroom
- Test weekly by pushing the alarm test button
- Test monthly with actual smoke from a smoldering piece of cotton string, incense stick or candlewick.
- Vacuum every 6 months. Disconnect power first, if electrically powered.
- Replace batteries when you change your clocks in the spring and fall
- Replace smoke alarms if they are 10 years old.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- If you heat with any type of fossil fuel such as natural gas, propane, wood and oil. Install and maintain carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home/cabin
- Outside the sleeping areas and in the vicinity of heating equipment
- Test weekly by pushing the alarm test button
- Follow the manufacturers instruction on care and maintenance.
- Before buying a carbon monoxide detector. Know what you are getting!
Many types that are on the market today will alarm at different parts per million of carbon monoxide.
“If you never need what you learn about safety, you have lost nothing.”
“IF you never learn what you need, you may lose everything…your family and your life!”