Unintentional falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries resulting in emergency room visits for all ages. They can occur from playground equipment, furniture, windows, stairs, ladders, and other sources.
We can all set a good example for children by holding hand railings on stairs and escalators. Stress to young children to keep stairs clear of toys and other items that could cause someone to trip.
When supervising children at the playground, take time to inspect the condition of the equipment. Look for any broken swing chains, bars that are loose or broken, broken steps on the slide, loose bolts, etc.
Also be on the lookout for rough edges, splinters, or nails on the playground equipment.
Other safety habits to practice are to put non-skid mats/strips in the bathtub.
When using a ladder, make sure it is on an even base, secured, and someone is holding it at the base. The proper angle of a ladder can be determined by standing erect at the butt of the ladder with the toes against the beams on the bottom rung. The out-stretched arms should reach the ladder.
Ladders placed to the roof should extend three rungs above the roof edge.
Do not perform work or repairs on the roof when it is quite windy. We have had people in the district blown off a roof when doing repairs or carrying 4×8 sheets of wood.
Wear a safety harness and lifeline when working on steep roofs. I have seen a lot of shingling going on in the area due to the hailstorms, and some of the roofs are quite steep.
Remember: If you never need what you learn about personal safety, you have lost nothing. But if you never learn what you need, you may lose everything . . . your family and your life!