Strawberry social coming soon!

The Emo and District Hospital Auxiliary Strawberry Social will take place June 10th. at the Emo Hospital Cafeteria (under the tent) on June 10. This fun event takes place from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. The cost is $5 at the door. The Auxiliary members would like to thank the community for their support.

The Dance Hall Committee that are raising funds to rebuild the Dance Hall and renovations, are holding a garage sale on June 11th. The sale will be from 8 a.m. To 4 p.m. This event takes place at 384 Hammond Road. There is a large variety of items for sale. Contact Joanne Hyatt for more information.

The Township of LaVallee is looking to employ a summer student. A valid Drivers License is required. Contact the Municipal Office for more information at 486-3452.

Sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Elder Norm Cyr. He will be sadly missed by many. Prayers and caring thoughts are with you all at this sad time.

Happy 30th birthday to Jeff and Chelsey Craig. May you have many more years of happiness.

The winners of the meat fundraising draw, sponsored by the Emo Express were:

1st Prize Marilyn Faragher

2nd Len Poperechny

3rd Brenda Soucy

Congratulations to the winners of the Emo Walleye Classic. The top three teams were:

1st Payne Hunter and Shawn Brown total weight 33.18 lb.

2nd Doug McBride and Steve Ballan total weight 32.49 lb.

3rd Bill Godin and Greg Swire total weight 28 lb.

Beer and Burger takes place at the Emo Legion this Friday (June 3).

Robin’s 2 cents

The price of gas is so bad at the moment. I’m putting vodka in the lawnmower. Now the grass is half cut!