NFN hosts successful bass tourney

The Northwest Bay First Nations held a successful bass tournament on Saturday, July 17.

A total of 14 team competed and when the final bags were weighed, the first place winners were Dale LaBelle and Jeremy Shypit with a weigh of 11.9 lbs. This was a grandfather/ grandson team.

Second place was taken by Ralph Galusha and Kelvin Caul with 11.7 lbs of bass.

Third place was taken by Jeremy Tasiuk and partner Dennis Barnard, weighing in with 10.27 lbs. of fish.

Congratulations to all anglers. Hats off to all organizers for running a great tournament.

NFN will hold a one day tournament on July 31, with another one day tournament August 14. There annual two day tournament will be September 10 and 11th. (Friday and Saturday).

There will be a Loggers Competition this year at the Rainy River District Agriculture Fair. Please contact Kelvin Caul at 275-8383 for more information.

There’s also a RRDAF Fair Queen Contest this year four contestants are running for this title.

It’s great to see some familiar events taking place , no doubt they will be different then previous fairs, but they will be enjoyable and help us feel the pleasure of community, friends and traditions.

The Emo Canadian Legion will be opening up its Club Room this week. This takes place Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 3-6 P.M. Hurray another back to normal event

Robin’s 2 cents

Don’t mess with me…I’m a wooden spoon, lead paint, no car sat, no bike helmet, pickup bed ridin’, garden hose drinkin’, survivor!