The Emo Legion Branch #99 has changed its hours of operation.
The Legion is now open Wednesday to Saturday at 3 p.m. and Friday and Saturday the Legion will be open late. The Legion will offer a simple menu each night there open. This change in hours begins August 10.

Jim and Glenda Belluz were honoured with a 50th-anniversary party on Sunday, August 7. A large crowd of family, and friends attended. The day was enjoyed by all. The couple’s anniversary date was July 8. The District wishes Jim and Glenda many more years together.
Cliff and Cheryl Hagen celebrated their 45th anniversary on July 30. A family and friend supper was enjoyed. Best of wishes and congratulations on your 45th.
The renovations to the Dance Hall are proceeding extremely well.
A reminder that 50/50 tickets are being sold. There will be tickets available to purchase at the fall fair in Emo. Tickets will be at the farm progress building. The draw will be held on Boxing Day. Be sure to purchase your ticket you could win some big bucks and assist the Dance Hall renovations.
Happy 50th birthday to Tracey Booth — her birthday is August 11. Your community wishes you many more years of health and happiness.
Recent donations donated by the Emo Thrift Store went to the Fort Frances High School for two scholarships $500 each
Fort Frances Chem Free $1,000
Rainy River Chem Free $500
Emo Public Library $2,500
Rainy River District 4-H Club $2,000.
Robin’s 2 cents
Waiter: “How do you like your steak, sir?”
Sir: “Like winning an argument with my wife.”
Waiter: “Rare it is!”