St Patrick’s CWL holds tea

Milt Guba
This Week In Emo

St. Patrick’s CWL held their tea, bake sale, and bazaar on Saturday at the parish hall, with a supportive crowd on hand for the come-and-go event.

The kitchen included Laura Armstrong, Frances Grant, Jose Balcewich, Heather Oltsher, and Loraine Bullied, while the servers were Mary Curtis, Chantelle Bragg, and Cartier Wilson.

Religious items were handled by Denise and Julianna Donaldson, and the plant table by Rose Schulzki. Bake table attendants were LaVerne Tibold and Bonnie Wilson.

Greeting guests at the door were Bernice Campbell and Jan Hyatt, while Brigette and Sonya Schulzki looked after the tractor/trailer draw.

The UCW of Emo Knox will be having its bake, plant, and rummage sale this Friday (May 3) from noon to 2 p.m. at the church hall. Cost is $2 per brown bag, and pie, tea, and coffee will be available.

Everyone is welcome.

The congregation at the Christian Reformed Church in Emo welcomed Gideon Ike Reimer to the morning worship service Sunday morning, who gave a short report of the ministry the Gideons provide throughout the world.

On Sept. 10, 2001, Gideons International sent out its one billionth copy of God’s Word since they began distributing Bibles in 1908.

Gideons now distribute 57 million copies a year. Most of these go into the hands of military and police personnel, school and university students, prison inmates, medical professionals, and health care workers in the 175 countries in which Gideons are organized.

The Cadet Club will help lead the morning worship service at the Christian Reformed Church this Sunday (May 5).

Big evening is being planned this Sunday (May 5) at the Off Lake Evangelical Covenant Church when its “Variety Night,” co-ordinated by Greg Ferris, is held.

Supper is at 5:30 p.m., with the program starting at 7.

And don’t forget the mother/daughter tea is coming up Saturday, May 11 at 7 p.m. in the church hall.

Cribbage winners at the Emo Legion last Wednesday (April 24) wereDarcy and Liz Jack (high), with consolations to Marian Larson and Larry Kellar.

Nicole Drennan won the door prize.

Looking ahead, the monthly cribbage and 500 party is planned for Saturday, May 11 at the Emo Legion. Please call in your participation by Friday, May 10.

“Our used book and hot dog sale during Spring Fever Days was a great success,” said head librarian Shirley Sheppard of the Emo Public Library, adding they sold $532.00 in used books while hot dog/pop sales netted $281.54.

Some $100 in “River of Time” history books also were sold. “We also took orders for over 20 centennial cookbooks,” Sheppard noted.

Draw winners were Lil VanDrunen, Chandler Pollard, Howard Roen, and Kim Lauzon.

Sheppard wishes to thank Nestor Falls Marine for free space at the arena and the Emo Inn for free ice, and to Todd Baker who donated plank from Tompkins Hardware.

Thanks also to Karen Kuitunen, Susan Stafford, Reeve Russ Fortier, EPL chairman Mike Williams, EPL board member Heather Oltsher, and Kathy Leek (Shirley’s right-hand woman) for all their help.

Our motorcycle OPP officer, Brad Williams, and family loaded up their belongings last week and left our community for his new posting at Orillia.

Our neighbour, Irene and Jim Bosma, celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary yesterday (April 30). Our congratulations to this fine elderly couple.

We also wish Jim a quick recovery from his illness. He was hospitalized for a few days.

SCAP students and staff at Stratton will present their spring concert next Tuesday (May 7) at 7:30 p.m. at the Christian Reformed Church in Emo.

An evening of family entertainment—full of fun, praise, and fellowship—is promised.

Ted and Ynske Kaemingh have arrived home from their recent Discovery tour in Haiti. They will be sharing the highlights of their trip with me this week, which will appear in the Times next week.

The Kaeminghs were with a group of six people, one of whom was a girl who had worked in Haiti for seven years as a nurse and could speak fluent Creole. This was a big help to the group at times.