Donna Morrish recently visited with her daughter, Helen Morrish, and with other relatives at Kelowna, for one week. Donna said, “I had a wonderful time, pleased with my trip and welcomed with open hand.” Donna’s daughter, Aurilla, from Dryden, accompanied her to B.C.
Eddie Kaemingh and his family from just out of Edmonton visited the here the past two weeks with his mother, Judy Kaemingh, two sisters, and other relatives.
I remember Ed as the goalie of the Emo Flying Dutchman Hockey Club. The team played in the local liniment hockey league and Faith hockey tournament in Fort Frances, as well as home games with Dordt College.
I call this courtesy service. My wife had a guest playing cards at our residence, who also brought along dinner for three. It was tasty to say the least, and it made our day. There still are people out there who cherish others, instead of going along with a long face.
Winners at the Emo Legion cribbage games for Wednesday, July 24 were: High–Bill Birrell and Joan Buttazoni; Consolations–Jane Allen and Connie Hill. Door prize winner was Bill Birrell.
Peter and Vicki Cain, son, Matthew, and his fiancée from Kitchener arrived Tuesday to spend part of the summer months with his mother, Mary Cain, a resident of Golden Age Manor, and renew acquaintances with their many friends.
Mrs. Betty O’Sullivan of Vancouver is presently here as a house guest of her son, James O’Sullivan, and daughters, for a couple of weeks. Betty’s daughter, Ann, lives in Vancouver with her husband and three children. The O’Sullivan’s at one time were our neighbours just across the road.
A visit to STL this past week I found assistant co-ordinator, Laurle Anderson, preparing activities for the children. Co-ordinator Jessie Ewald was away in Thunder Bay for medical reasons. “The count in attendance was down thus far this week,” noted Anderson. It is quite busy otherwise, with summer programs on the menu.
For the next two weeks, Christine Sikkema, and her husband and three children from Cincinnati, will be visiting with her parents, Ted and Ynske Kaemingh, brothers, Dale, David, Arnold and families and other relatives and friends including sister, Karen and family. “Although we have made moves, we’re still not getting any closer to home (here),” said Sikkema.