Longtime merchant recovering from surgery

Milt Guba
This Week In Emo

Longtime Emo merchant Gordon Meyers suffered a heart attack earlier this month and he had to have double bypass surgery in Winnipeg on Tuesday.

Fortunately, the operation was successful and Gordon is now recovering.

His son, Grant, and daughter, Dr. Kim Pearce, have been with Gordon throughout the ordeal. The past weekend, Gordon’s daughter-in-law, Lucinda Meyers, and sister, Bernice Campbell, motored to Winnipeg for a visit with the smiling patient.

I understand Gordon was to be released from hospital either this past Monday or Tuesday.

We’ve been thinking of you, Gordon, and wish you a speedy recovery. Your chair at coffee break is empty.

Another friend in our community, Ron McQuaker, had an apparent heart attack early last Monday morning at his residence. He was taken by ambulance to La Verendrye hospital in Fort Frances, where tests have been run during the week.

Ron is resting comfortably.

For the first day, June Winik and Mary-Alice Drennan stayed with Ron at the hospital. Joyce has been taken care of by friends and relatives while her husband is hospitalized.

We all wish Ron a quick recovery. You are missed about town.

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We all know by now about the sudden passing of Tony Beyak, the former owner of the Causeway car dealership in Fort Frances, while on a business trip.

Tony was a friendly gentleman although we frequently did not see eye-to-eye on a few things. Joking and humorous, Tony never took things seriously. He once bought me a lottery scratch ticket for a chance to win $25,000 so I could pay for my vehicle (it did not happen).

Tony, as quoted by others already, will be missed in the business sector. He always meant well.

Last Tuesday morning, two of us coffee boys at the Emo Inn were honoured on our birthdays. I had turned 75 on April 8 while Ralph Wolframe was to celebrate his birthday April 15.

Killing two birds with one stone, a medium-sized one-layer decorated cake was brought out by the Emo Inn staff singing the birthday song, led by manager Val Kellar.

We each received cards signed by our buddies. Also attending were Mark VanHeyst, Art Bonot, Neil Grant, and Paul Melanson.

St. Patrick’s C.W.L. Spring Tea and Bazaar is slated Saturday, April 27 from 1-3 p.m. in the parish hall. There will be a penny table, and bake, plant, and religious tables.

Everyone is welcome at attend. It will be a good place to buy, relax, chat with friends, and have a snack or two.

We community extends our get-well wishes to Gertie Kamerman, who had a nasty fall recently resulting in a concussion.

She is having slight problems while recovering at the residence of her daughter, Barbara.

Cribbage winners at the Emo Legion last Wednesday (April 10) were Darlyne Bruce and Gerry Allan (high), with consolations to Donna Morrish and Adelia Guba.

Agnes Walduck won the door prize.

Cribbage winners at the monthly card party last Saturday (April 13) were Bob and Sis Woolsey (high) and Loraine Bullied and Marian Larson (low). 500 winners were Darlyne Bruce and Lois LaBelle (high) and Donna Shepperd and Elmer Haglin (low).

Elder Jack won the door prize.

The next monthly 500/cribbage party is slated Saturday, May 11 at the Emo Legion.

As always, the GEMS will hold their annual pancake breakfast—in conjunction with Spring Fever Days—this Saturday (April 20) from 7-10:30 a.m. at the Christian Reformed Church in Emo.

A Coffee Break bake sale also will be held in the foyer of CRC during the breakfast. Contact Michelle Marinaro for details.

Meanwhile, the Coffee Break garage sale is slated Saturday at the residence of Nick and Ann Veldhuisen in the subdivision neaer the CRC (signs will be posted).

Carol Kaemingh and Geneva Veldhuisen are the co-ordinators.

The madness at Sunny Cove Army Worms happens again, hosted by the Christian Reformed Church YPS on May 17-20. Guest speaker Ken Douma will be speaking on the theme “Living the Adventure.”

Cost is $65. Registration can be obtained from Lori-Ann Shortreed at 482-1002. Space is limited, and the deadline for registrations is Sunday, May 6.

This Sunday (April 21), the CRC will welcome Pastor Bryce Menskink of Baldwin, Wis. as guest speaker. He will lead both the 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. services.

Also next Sunday, the GEMS will be participating in a special way in the morning worship service.