The Emo and area hospital auxiliary is holding its annual “Strawberry Social” on Friday, June 14 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at the Emo hospital cafeteria.
Admission is $2 and everyone is welcome. There also will be a door prize.
Auxiliary president Heather Oltsher and the membership wish to see you there and hope you have a wonderful time.
This past week, six Donald Young students joined Sturgeon Creek and Nestor Falls students for a Toronto/Ottawa trip. They are returning home tomorrow (June 6).
Grade eight students will be on a three-day Winnipeg trip starting today (June 5).
Cribbage winners at Emo Legion last Wednesday (May 29) were Darlyne Bruce and Gerry Allen (high), with consolations to Dennis and Renee Kivell.
Ron McQuaker won the door prize.
A reminder the monthly cribbage/500 party at the Emo Legion goes this Saturday (June 8) starting at 1 p.m. Those interested are asked to call by Friday (June 7).
Clarence and Fern Nordstrom visited briefly here en route to Atikokan for an overnight visit with relatives before heading east for a vacation.
The Nordstroms are from Sprague, Man.
Last Monday afternoon at the Emo Public Library, Heather Oltsher and her sister were looking over the resources available there. I happened to ask how the Canada Day celebrations were shaping up, to which she replied it was still in the early stages.
At the morning worship service at the Christian Reformed Church, elder Jack Wielinga handed out gift Bibles to students graduating from Grade 6 Sunday School.
Guest speaker for the evening service was Mark Mast of the CSSM Ministries.
In related news, the CRC is in the process of plans to celebrate 50 years of Christian service in the community/district in 2003.
Celebrating anniversaries this month include Ted and Ynske Kaemingh on June 6 (44th), John and Linda Esselink on June 15 (48th), Charlie and Rita Byma on June 18 (55th), and Arend and Wilma Wielinga on June 23 (41st).
Peter and Leona VanHeyst will celebrate their 40th anniversary with a come-and-go tea at the Christian Reformed Church on June 15 from 2-4 p.m. Your presence is their gift, the couple says.
My wife, Adelia, and I will mark our 50th anniversary on June 14 but the occasion will be celebrated Aug. 14 when family members will be on hand.