Gardening season is just around the corner so I always use the last few months of winter for some garden planning. One of the best ways to plan is by using seed catalogues. There are many mail order seed and plant suppliers in both the United States and Canada so the number of catalogues you can use for reference are unlimited. If you do not receive seed catalogues directly, the December/January issue of “Canadian Gardening” has an annual listing of reputable mail order gardening business you can contact, in that issue. You can also use the internet and check for links from your favorite gardening sites or the look for the advertisements in other gardening magazines. So get those catalogues out and start dreaming about this upcoming growing season the great garden you will have.
Mail order seed catalogues or the company’s website are both useful tools for any seasoned gardener. You can use seed catalogues for reference about plants. The best catalogues give lengthy descriptions for each plant and its growing needs. Often the catalogues feature the traditional seeds and plants along with new varieties, most often with photographs, so they are very useful for garden planning. Keep your catalogues all year round as a good reference source if you have any questions about a certain plant.
Ordering through mail order can be a great way to add some unique plants to your garden, try some new vegetables or herbs, or get some great gardening supplies or tools not available locally. As mentioned before make sure you deal with a reputable company. You want a company you can contact easily and that will guarantee their products. Most companies will also provide you with gardening advice either over the telephone or with instruction sheets with their products. Make sure the company is going to ship your product at the appropriate time; seeds can be mailed any time but seed potatoes, bulbs and live plants must be shipped after the danger of freezing is over. Fall bulbs must be shipped in time for you to plant them. If you have any questions about shipping, as to what method and when, make sure you ask them before you place your order. By following these few tips you will have great success with mail order companies.
Whether you use your seed catalogues strictly as reference material, the pictures for garden or landscape planning or as a great source to find unusual varieties of plants, you can spend hours looking at the many catalogues available today. So chase away the winter blues – think spring and curl up with a seed catalogue, you’ll be glad you did.