What would your three wishes for life be?

It’s been a long time since I heard the fairy tale; and at the moment, I can’t find it in my library. But that really doesn’t matter because like so many things from childhood, the details may fade but the core facts are forever.

It seems a struggling shoemaker and his wife were by some miracle offered three wishes. It was the dream of their lives for they had always been poor–barely paying for today’s meal from yesterday’s shoe sales.

Now they could have whatever their hearts might want. A beautiful house. Even a castle. A carriage with fine horses–and a driver if they so wished. Fields of corn and cabbages, and a winter’s supply of food.

Oh, how the heart could run wild!

A visit from the queen. Or an invitation from the palace. Fine clothes and coffers filled with gold. Three wishes! For anything at all in the whole world.

Of course, the pair bickered and shouted as they tried to make the best choices. One would suggest, the other would reject. Each understood the importance of making the right choices but there was no way to come to agreement.

Finally, after they had talked and planned for hours and night was falling, they still faced complete indecision and both sank into their chairs with exhaustion. Starved and too tired to cook, the wife sighed deeply and said, “I wish I had a pudding!”

No sooner said than done.

Both were horrified at the waste of the valuable wish. The husband rose to his feet and stamped, “I wish that pudding was on the end of your nose!”

Once again, the wish was granted. And like it or not, the wife had a huge pudding attached to the end of her nose for the rest of her life. Unless, that is, they should choose to use the last wish to get it off.

Deep down, they loved each other so, of course, they did what had to be done. And thus it was that the foolish shoemaker and his foolish wife were destined to stay poor forever.

You never forget a story like that once you hear it. Imagine three wishes to be used in any way they chose. How could they possibly have been so stupid?

Just let your mind run wild for a little bit. In the same situation, what would you wish for? A Mercedes Benz. A house by the ocean. A swelling bank account. Good health. A trip to Alaska. A chance to make a contribution. A beautiful garden. A visit from your college roommate. A white dog.

Exactly, what would it take to make you happy?

We don’t get three wishes in life because things like that happen only in fairy tales. Or do we? Maybe today we call it “goal-setting” instead of wishing.

Think about how often you hear people say, “It’s what I’ve always wanted.”

Several years ago, a respected church leader was stepping down from his post. In his farewell speech, he thanked the national church assembly for letting him serve; and said humbly, “From the time I was a little boy, I always knew I wanted to be president of the conference. And now, I’ve done it.”

So why not get dreaming and wishing and goal-setting today. And always remember, if you don’t have a wish, you can never have a wish come true

Marie Snider is an award-winning health care writer and syndicated columnist.