Clear your clutter

There are a very few people I know who seem to have no trouble with clutter.
Their kitchen cupboards are always tidy. The books on their coffee tables always are neatly arranged. And there is no clutter in their garages.
They also seem to have no trouble tossing the “important” things that easily could become clutter.
You are welcome to see any part of their homes with a moment’s notice.
Yes, there are a few people like that! But it seems to me that the vast majority are more like me–having a lifetime struggle with the “things” in their lives.
Saving too much–especially paper. Keeping things “just in case.” And for some reason, things seem to misplace themselves in their homes.
Being one of these latter people, I was attracted to the internationally-acclaimed book, “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui” by Karen Kingston.
First published in 1998, “Clear Your Clutter” has been translated into 27 languages and has sold more than a million copies worldwide.
It is promoted as having changed a whole generation’s approach to clutter. And readers say that following this book’s advice can be a life-changing experience.
I’ve long been fascinated with feng shui. Some years ago, my daughter and I attended a few seminars. As a result, I had applied feng shui principles to our house, especially in the living room where we spend most of our time.
But now, 15 years later, I can’t remember why there is a hanging fish mobile in the corner and why I am supposed to have red flowers by the fireplace.
So this is a perfect time to refresh myself.
Feng shui (pronounced fuhng shwey) is the ancient Chinese art of placement. It suggests that furniture be placed in such a way that the flow of energy is not blocked; so that good energy can bring you health, prosperity, and happiness.
The very first step of feng shui is getting rid of clutter, says Kingston.
“Energy stagnates when clutter accumulates,” she says. “It [clutter] starts with a bit and then slowly, insidiously, it grows and grows.”
So you have to get on top of your clutter before that happens.
Clutter is trapped energy that has far-reaching effects, says Kingston. Think about it—you can feel it the minute you step into a severely-cluttered room.
Kingston also refers to trapped energy as stuck energy. And she says, “Stuck energy is very sticky.”
The simple act of clearing your clutter can help you replace the bad energy with good energy that will make you feel better and create space in your life for the things you really want.
“Get your life moving again, you will instinctively want to clear the clutter . . . make a fresh start,” she advises.
So, why not tackle your clutter now. Begin with one cupboard or one drawer and experience how good it feels.
The process of clearing clutter is all about letting go. Not only letting go of your belongings, but your “baggage”–bad feelings, guilt, the “shoulds” of life. You name it!
Remember, as Kingston says, “Your home environment mirrors your inner self.”
And, when everything is sorted, organized, and put in place, just imagine how wonderful you will feel!
Write Marie Snider at