Weather extremes all to common

As it seems to happen here in Rainy River District, we have weather extremes: extremely cold, extremely hot, extremely dry, and extremely damp.
We all will agree that we needed the rain, but now it’s time for this pattern to move off–preferably to the Timmins area, where they have been battling one of Canada’s largest forest fires.
I also understand Thunder Bay was hit extremely hard with rain and that many people are flooded out!
There just doesn’t seem to be a happy medium.
Forecasters are calling for a cool week here but we need sun and heat now that the rain has come. It was warmer in March than it has been the last little bit.
I had to break down and turn my furnace back on over the weekend as my boyfriend/partner decided it was too cold in my house.
Even “Roxee” was trying to cuddle with us because she found it cool!
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Thanks to everyone who made the Emo Walleye Classic another success!
The 4-H prime rib supper on Saturday night went well despite fewer people attending. I think 4-H will have to decide whether or not it will continue this event since, like so many other things, it is the same people who volunteer each year.
I enjoy volunteering and helping our community, but sometimes my personal list gets longer and longer while I am off volunteering!
And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.
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“Roxee” is starting to understand and participate in cattle events! She has been learning to do some cattle herding and is getting a bit braver each time.
While we vaccinated a majority of our calves one evening last week, she was doing very well. But then we ended up experiencing some loud blasts of thunder and flashes of lightning that upset her, so she sat very still with her hair standing on end by the supply box in the corral.
She starts obedience class this week.
It will be good for both of us. I’m also hoping that my boyfriend/partner will participate, too, since I’m finding he spoils “Roxee” worse than I do!
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If you can spare a few hours this Saturday, we would love to have you join us at the Stratton sales barn for a work-bee.
Susan keeps a list of jobs that need to be completed and there always is something for everyone to do.
It will start at 9 a.m. and I promise you the lunch will be awesome.
We are hoping to have a good visit and social time with our lunch since this is likely the last time we’ll be able to get together before we get busy with haying.
Hope to see you there!
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Like so many of our weekends, some of us are double-booked this Saturday as a guy is coming in from Thunder Bay to shear sheep.
He will travel from farm to farm and shear more than 50 sheep. He was planning to come a couple of weeks ago but had to postpone.
I can tell you the sheep haven’t been complaining about the cool weather we are having.
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Hopefully many of you are recycling–but there is something you need to know! When recycling plastic bottles, be sure to remove the cap!
Kathy Stahn was telling me how much time it takes to go through all the bottles and remove the caps!
It was something I didn’t realize so I thought it was worth passing along.
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I would like to wish a very happy sixth birthday today (May 30) to my oldest niece, Maddie.
A Happy Birthday wishes to my boyfriend/partner for Friday (June 1)!

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