This weather sure should be making us all very thankful! If only there was a way to keep it especially since by the end of the week, I will have a corral full of calves to be weaned. The forecast doesn’t look so promising, but I am holding out with positive thoughts. Many producers will be doing the exact same thing as myself as we have a cattle sale this Saturday. We are thankful for the cement footing at the sales barn, but we can all agree that for the staff and the way the cattle are presented, it is much nicer on a dry day. It is looking like we could have a large sale this weekend. Many producers held cattle back from the last sale because we still had decent grass and the cattle were just starting to do well after having a wet start. My mom and I weighed all the calves on Monday, and we think we have decided on who we will keep for replacements and butcher animals. We are selling some of the farm again, but the rest will head to Stratton. I would like to encourage everyone to come and check out the Auction. If you have never been I think you would enjoy it. We are very proud of our facility and our canteen is excellent – it is worth a drive just for a homemade piece of pie. Just remember not to be waving your hands around or you will be going home with some cattle.
I didn’t think I could do it but, I got my barn painted! Everything but the North End peak and we are putting that on hold until spring because we are not sure how to do that safely! We used 32 gallons of paint, and it looks much brighter. I am very happy with it and even happier I could do it myself. Thank you to Telford for lending me his paint sprayer! We now own one so painting projects are endless now.
Since I saw the weather predictions, we planned to tackle the soybeans at the station on Tuesday. I hope we have enough time to get them finished. Of course, I have a tele-health appointment with the surgeon about my wrist so provided that don’t take to long we should be o.k. I am not sure the edible beans will go but we might have to give them our best shot as well. I still have some areas that I would like to brush mow and tidy up, so I am hoping the weather predictions are wrong. Hunter has been doing a great job of getting the seed cleaned. I am not keeping up with him getting data entered but that will have to happen this week for a few trials. Bradley don’t have many days with us since the abattoir is so busy. Last week they butchered four days! That’s a record for us. Thanks to the staff for making that happen.