I am literally writing this update from my bed. I started to not feel great later last week and when I was feeding cows on Thursday afternoon I was fading fast. I felt like death on Saturday and decided to head to the Dr. I do not like taking up precious emerg space but I really felt bad. I was hot and had no air in me. I have nothing but great things to say about how well I was treated and was sent home with pneumonia, bronchitis and hopefully some prescriptions that will get me back on my feet again. I am feeling better but I am not ready to tackle the world at this point. I remember thinking on Thursday I will feed everyone today and I should be good for 5 days and by then I will be good to go.
Little did I know.
I am certain I have written about this before but being sick as a farmer is not an easy task. Chores still need to go on. Thankfully we are on lower maintenance days, but not for long. I plan to get my cows moved home over the weekend in preparation for calving so I am following the rules and taking the drugs because I have to. I don’t know why I couldn’t just get a normal cold like others. I have been flat out resting because I have to. I don’t have enough air or strength to do much else. I am improving but I wish it was faster. My mind never stops thinking of the tasks I need to do and I keep going through “as long as I am better by such and such day I will still have time to get everything done.”
The threat of tariffs is a really dark time for Canada and in particular the Beef Industry. We had a very positive announcement last Tuesday regarding our Risk Management Program that we should still be celebrating this week but instead we are all on edge. Buying Canadian is highly important right now and I really hope everyone is making that a top priority. I have seen a few lists floating around of what products to look for and I have even heard of stores and placing “Made in Canada” on aisles – that is excellent. Labeling is confusing and something agriculture has been working to correct for a long time. Read and ask!
So my jobs are piling up and I am slowly getting back to everyone but I am working on getting better and that is about all I am good for right now.
Stay Strong Canada.